Full size ground required?

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New User
Southeastern NH
I'm running a generator circuit to my shed with 3 6awg wires, do I need a 6awg ground or can I get away with 10awg, only asking cause I have a ton of green 10awg.

Similarly, what about for a 240v 30a outlet, can I use 10awg for the mains and 12awg for the ground? I already have the 10awg ground like I said, but I'm just curious.

Thanks a lot.
I am closing this thread in accordance with forum rules. This forum is intended for use by electricians and electrical contractors, inspectors, engineers, and vendors with their job-related duties. We are not allowed to provide how-to advice to persons who are not employed in this industry, or persons who do not perform electrical installation or maintenance as part of their jobs. Engineers are welcome to participate, but only if their questions do not involve attempts to perform their own electrical installation, troubleshooting, or maintenance work.

If I have misread the situation, if for example you have an electrical contractor on board to perform the installation work, then send me a PM to explain the circumstances.
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