Fuse panel...

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Senior Member
Louisville, Kentucky
I would love to hear from anyone who would like to weigh in on this question:

"Why would Insurance Companies refuse to write a policy for a property that has a fuse panel?"
My understanding is that their studies show it is way too commonplace for the homeowner/inexperienced person to increase the size of fuses without taking ampacities into account. (not to mention pennies)
I'm sure that have data showing the numer of fires in homes with breaker panels vs ones with fuse panels.
I would agree its to easy to change what the original intent was meant to be.I do in fact remember the penny trick, my father used to do that as a carry over when a lightning strike caused surges and blew out fuses

I think there may have been max ratings that would be much less than a breaker panel putting them in a misused state, intentional or not .

just talking out loud.

My understanding is that their studies show it is way too commonplace for the homeowner/inexperienced person to increase the size of fuses without taking ampacities into account. (not to mention pennies)
I'm sure that have data showing the numer of fires in homes with breaker panels vs ones with fuse panels.

Thanks for your reply. I will add your comments to my list of answers when I get questions from Customers & Realtors.

Had a Realtor call and ask me to look at a fuse panel and if I thought it was "safe" to write a letter stating the panel was OK, right.

While fuse panel(s) are not inherently unsafe, it's the ease of modification that is the issue.
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