Fused main service disconnects / insurance issues


San Francisco, CA
I have had calls concerning replacing fused main service disconnects for insurance purposes.
These insurance companies have some kind of safety issues with a fused main service disco.
They prefer a main breaker.
Any insights on this issue would be appreciated.
I'm going to assume that the insurance company doesn't want someone replacing fuses with some copper pipe or some other objects
OK, that seems to be a possibility however I was thinking there might be some history of disconnects failing and starting fires that the insurance are looking at other than the direct pipe connect setup.
OK, that seems to be a possibility however I was thinking there might be some history of disconnects failing and starting fires that the insurance are looking at other than the direct pipe connect setup.
Fuses fail less often than circuit breakers and in many applications they're actually better. It's the replacement problem that scares insurance companies.
Fuses fail less often than circuit breakers and in many applications they're actually better. It's the replacement problem that scares insurance companies.
That’s a situation that could be a problem if the fuses are not rated properly. Thank you.
I’m trying to get the mindset of the insurance to make sense of this, it’s becoming a real problem.