Background: There is a 225A SQ-D QO panel mounted to the side of a metal 8'x20' conex fed by a 4/C-4/0 w/#4 ground direct burial cable. The #4 EGC is connected to the ground bus in the QO panel. The AHJ requires that there be a ground rod, even though it may be argued that the metal conex sitting in direct contact with the earth can be considered a structural steel grounding electrode. So, I must bond the metal conex and have a GEC to a ground rod(s).
In researching 250 extensively the debate centers around what size of GEC needs to be connected to the conex. One side states that the GEC does not need to be larger than the EGC, therefore a #4 awg cu GEC to the conex is acceptable. The other side states that 250.104(C) and 250.104(D) require the GEC to be sized by Table 250.66 requiring it be be a #2 awg cu.
What say you? And provide your references. Thanks.
In researching 250 extensively the debate centers around what size of GEC needs to be connected to the conex. One side states that the GEC does not need to be larger than the EGC, therefore a #4 awg cu GEC to the conex is acceptable. The other side states that 250.104(C) and 250.104(D) require the GEC to be sized by Table 250.66 requiring it be be a #2 awg cu.
What say you? And provide your references. Thanks.