Garage Pit-Diesel


Staff member
State Electrical Inspector (Retired)
Is a pit in a commercial repair garage that only does diesel work normally a classified area ??
I have done a couple and they were. Whether or not they need to be I don't know.
I think NEC is written vague enough on this that many AHJ's tend to default to worst case situations and it ends up being a classified area.

There are many cleaners/solvents/etc. used in these places that likely are more of consistent potential hazard than any motor fuel being used is and I think that somewhat a factor even though NEC doesn't really clearly state this. The fuel system of the vehicle IMO isn't much of a hazard except for when there is an operation that involves opening or draining the fuel system, or maybe an occasional failure of said system that is leaking fuel comes along.

These guys often use grinders, welders, torches or have other situations where "sparking" may end up in the classified area and there is rarely any problem with those things igniting the classified area. I can still understand wanting seals in raceways leaving those areas just in case though.
Section 514.2 cross-references Section 500.6. Personally, if I knew diesel were the exclusive fuel in question, I would ignore it.