Gas clothes dryer and 210.52

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chris kennedy

Senior Member
Miami Fla.
60 yr old tool twisting electrician
Our resi guy called today and asked if a laundy room with a gas dryer would still require a 30A outlet for an electric dryer. I called a well respected member of this Forum that is up on dwellings and he agrees that its not required.

After further review and not enough time tonight to pursue this myself, I turn to you for conformation.

This is what I don't quite grasp.

210.11 Branch Circuits Required.

Branch circuits for lighting and for appliances, including motor-operated appliances, shall be provided to supply the loads calculated in accordance with 220.10. In addition, branch circuits shall be provided for specific loads not covered by 220.10 where required elsewhere in this Code and for dwelling unit loads as specified in 210.11(C).
220.10 General.

Branch-circuit loads shall be calculated as shown in 220.12, 220.14, and 220.16.
220.14 Other Loads ? All Occupancies.

(B) Electric Dryers and Household Electric Cooking Appliances. Load calculations shall be permitted as specified in 220.54 for electric dryers and in 220.55 for electric ranges and other cooking appliances.
Required or not? All this appears to me to be calculated if present.

210.50 Outlets required. (F) Laundry Areas. One receptical outlet required. No mention of dryer outlet required. Gas or Electric.
A bigger question. Where did you find a well respected MEMBER of this Forum. Isn't that not an oxymoron ?:grin:
220.14 Other Loads ? All Occupancies.

(B) Electric Dryers and Household Electric Cooking Appliances. Load calculations shall be permitted as specified in 220.54 for electric dryers and in 220.55 for electric ranges and other cooking appliances.

Since this code section is dealing with Electric dryers, it does not apply to your situation.

You don't need a separate circuit for an electric dryer when you are outfitting the laundry room for a gas dryer.
A bigger question. Where did you find a well respected MEMBER of this Forum. Isn't that not an oxymoron ?:grin:

Ok so maybe not. It was Ken, but I have a great deal of respect for him. He still owes me 6 bucks for the cokes I bought him in Chicago but given his advice today I will call us square.
Our resi guy called today and asked if a laundy room with a gas dryer would still require a 30A outlet for an electric dryer.

Required or not? All this appears to me to be calculated if present.
I'd say the same applies to laundry and kitchen. We're not required to install a range circuit if it's piped for gas, but we're certainly allowed to if the customer perfers the option.

Personally, I'd want both. I've had a Jenn-Air dual-fuel range in the past, and when the gas range we have now dies, that's what we'll replace it with. There is a range receptacle.
In the 1960's of los angeles the EC would install outlets for Electric cooking and outlet for electric dryer and the plumbers would provide gas hook ups. just in case the homeowner prefered on over the other

It was and is still a good idea.

I'd say the same applies to laundry and kitchen. We're not required to install a range circuit if it's piped for gas, but we're certainly allowed to if the customer perfers the option.

Personally, I'd want both. I've had a Jenn-Air dual-fuel range in the past, and when the gas range we have now dies, that's what we'll replace it with. There is a range receptacle.

Me too. I would try and sell the customer on the idea of running the circuit now if future access is limited. The reason is that many people are very picky about these appliances.

My co-worker has all gas appliances, except for the dryer. He just does not like them.

As for a range circuit, yes to running it also.

My wife is a baker and insists on a electric oven, she believes it bakes more evenly than gas.

I am a wild eyed wanna be chef and want gas for instant temperature control. I can not stand waiting for cook top elements to heat up or cool down.
I always run a 10/3 nm w/ gr. even for a gas dryer. I use it as an upsell stating that some people may want electric down the road. It is amazing how easy an add on it can be.
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