Gas pipe

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lady sparks lover

Senior Member
I have to admit that the EC made a good point.

Well, here's the jist. I doing some construction admin for a job which I'm taking over, and I get a call from the GC and EC about there being a gas pipe behind the switchboard. The EC says they there must be a "suitable barrier". I said I think it's a good practice issue, that I can't find it in the code where you can not have piping behind the switchboard. I think his arguement is valid, but I can't find it in the code. I know there are working clearances, but thought it refered to above, and in front, but in back not sure. Please help...because I can't find it.

By the way, I feel like he made a good point, so he can go ahead and install his wall there. :)


Senior Member
Louisville, KY
Re: Gas pipe

As far as rear clearance I'm not seeing anything. 408.18(B) tells me to look at 110.26. And 110.26(A) if I interpret it right needs 3ft in condition one from table 110.26(A)(1). I would look at 250.104(B)though, and see if there is any bonding needed. Ask the EC and wait and see what some other inputs are here........


Senior Member
Re: Gas pipe

I don't know of any code reason to be concerned but I personally still have gas pipe concerns.

I would think if there's any chance that the pipe might come into conact with panel enclosure that it might be a good idea to bond the pipe.

I really don't know whether "like to become energized" covers this.


Staff member
Mission Viejo, CA
Professional Electrical Engineer
Re: Gas pipe

If the equipment must be worked "live" 110.26(A)(1) and its referenced Table applies.

If rear access is needed on non-electrical parts, 110.26(A)(1)(a) applies. (30")

A rather humorous side note. I Proposed this essentially for the 1996 NEC and it was rejected but I can't remember why. A subsequent Proposal for the 1999 clarified that "rear access" was in the back and all was well with the world.

[ August 03, 2005, 02:12 PM: Message edited by: rbalex ]


Senior Member
Louisville, KY
Re: Gas pipe

I thought the 30" clearance only covered non-electrical equipment 110.26(A)(1)(a) and page 46 and 47 of the 2005 NEC handbook. Please explain.


Staff member
Mission Viejo, CA
Professional Electrical Engineer
Re: Gas pipe

It applies to non-electrical "parts" of enclosed (dead-front) electrical equipment.

If work is required on energized equipment then Table 110.26(A)(1) applies no matter which face of the equipment is being worked on.

I recognized my statement, "deenergized equipment," was incorrect and corrected it immediately.

jim dungar

Staff member
PE (Retired) - Power Systems
Re: Gas pipe

If no rear access is required for maintenance then no rear clearance is required per 110.26(A)(1)(a). If access is required then 30" is needed from the "new" barrier also.

Dedicated space is related to the foot print of the equipment, so if the piping is behind the switchboard it is by definition not subject to 110.26(F)(1)(b).
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