Gas station installation

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Senior Member
Northern CA, US
Electrician, Solar and Electrical Contractor

We are installing a solar pv system at a gas station and need to add a new conduit to the gas dispenser canopy. I have never worked in class 1 division 1 locations and had a few questions.

1. I understand I can use PVC underground but that my first stub up needs to be rigid metal conduit with an explosion proof fitting for the seal. We are going to the top of the canopy. Do I need to take rigid all the way to the top or does the hazardous location end at a specific height?

2. Does the rigid conduit that stubs up need to be wrapped in any sort of rubber or pvc tape?

3. I was planning on installing a combiner box at the top of the canopy where the panels will be above the roof of the canopy. There will be fuses and fuse holders there. That is okay, right?

4. Once I get the conduit to the convenient store I am assuming I need to do rigid at the stub up with the explosion proof fitting and seal. But after that can I use EMT to get to the equipment room?

5. Any other helpful tips for me to follow while installing this new conduit that will have to run underground from the gas dispenser canopy back to the convenient store?

Thanks ahead of time for your help!
Going from memory here, the seal fitting needs to be near the classification boundary - which I believe near fuel dispensers the classified area is everything below 18", not sure off top of my head how far from the dispensers though. If this is far enough from the dispensers you may not have a classified location at all. Is typical to see seal fitting above but close to 18", everything above that point is not classified, you can use any wiring method otherwise suitable for outdoors for the most part. Many continue with RMC/IMC anyway in such places though.
Why go from memory when Table and Figures 514.3 pretty clearly describe the classified boundaries.

I would suggest the OP also familiarize himself with Section 500.4(A). In fact, unless he's asking us to do his engineering for him, he should become familiar with Articles 501, 511 and 514 as well. The OP is pretty close to being a DIYer, electrician or not for this particular installation.

There are some very particular rules for wiring and equipment above classified locations in fuel dispensing facilities and below grade as well - even if the underground is not specifically classified.

Grounding/bonding issues must be clearly addressed.
Okay, thanks guys.

I am an electrician with 15 years experience in the industry. Zero experience in Class 1 Division 1 installations. And, I was having some trouble navigating through Articles 500 and 501. Ill take a look again. Thanks for the references.
Okay, thanks guys.

I am an electrician with 15 years experience in the industry. Zero experience in Class 1 Division 1 installations. And, I was having some trouble navigating through Articles 500 and 501. Ill take a look again. Thanks for the references.
check out 514 also. It is there to compliment 500 and 501 at such types of facilities. Your classified location boundaries are pretty clearly pointed out in 514.
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