GE Electrical Gear

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I know this is going to be open-ended question but I need to ask.
I might be out of line, so if I am, just shut me down.

We have gotten back quotes from different venders on about 50 K with of new electrical gear for a job. MDP, many panelboards, lighting contactors, etc, etc.

I have always done work for DOD, (Corp) and it seems like they always spec. C/H or Square D.

We just got back the quotes for the project and one of the venders quoted with AE and AQ panelboards from GE. Also a spectra MDP
Like I said, all my experience is with the two mentioned above so i have nothing to compare with. I know its all UL listed, but can anybody give any valuable insight? The Quote is about 30% lower. I have checked the AIC rating and all the ins and outs, its all the same. The bid is apples to apples.
CH and Square D were within 1 k of each other. Like I said, i have gone over the BOM with a fine tooth comb, so I am not sure what to think.
Any advice is apprciated.


One thing to look for if you have large transformers 75Kva and larger GE's first option is to supply you a low voltage distribution that is essintaly a lower kva xfmr with fans (called transformore), if this is acceptable thats fine but C/H and Sq.D do not manufacturer this product, I assume it is less costly because it is basically a 45Kva with a fan rating of 75Kva your choice, another thing is to make sure if you have copper bus / windings specified they did not substutite aluminum, and one other thing thru my experience with GE if you have a tight fit anywhere there gear is typically larger than C/H or Sq.D. but other than verifying thoes kinds of things if it meets plans and specs I have had no problem with their electrical gear.
There is an amazing amount of room for price maneuvering in this kind of stuff if the vendor wants your business. I used to work at a place that used a fair number of MCCs. AB decided they wanted our business and they dropped their prices about 50%, so they were considerably less than the stuff we had been buying.

We have an OEM we do work for now that uses a lot of GE distribution equipment that they buy and we wire into the control system before it ships. They look a little cheesy to me, but nothing that a 30% cost reduction does not effectively deal with.
A couple of things:

This is not a corp job. I might need to clarify.
This job is for open bid. I was saying that on all my corp jobs we have only installed CH or SQ D

Yes, I am very shocked at the price mark-up of the Gear. 30% price dif. is very scary. Sounds like there is money to be made.

Yes Peter, I have thought the same thing of the GE Brand I admit. It sure does seem to be not as well put together. I think I am just biased however.

Thanks for the posts.
The job I am desperately trying to Finnish right now had about a $6M switchgear package with GE. We have a huge file of back charges to them that still need to be settled. Until this project I have had no issue with GE gear but have had issue with lousy customer service. Square D takes much better care of us and I like their product better. But for a 30% reduction in price, I think I would still go with GE.
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