Gear Reduction oil

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NE (9.06 miles @5.9 Degrees from Winged Horses)
EC - retired
Watching the performance of equipment and notice a significant change in power requirement for one item during the first 15 minutes in cold weather. 84 to 71%. Current of input & output motors do not change. Not quite apples to apples comparison, but all I have.

Would a synthetic gear oil help?
You using something like a 90W mineral based oil now?
Synthetic oils are great for low temps, (and high) especially in gear reductions. It’s all we used in sawmill gear boxes.

When it’s really cold your not getting the benefits of splash lubrication, especially with some of the slower turning boxes, and the gears have to use available power to press the oil out of the mesh to turn.
Plus, synthetic oil is multiviscosity. 75W-90 is a good oil.
I agree with Hv&Lv about synthetics. If it's a worm or hypoid type gear reduction, make sure the oil has EP (extreme pressure) characteristics because of the sliding that occurs between the gear teeth.
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