GEC at Manual Transfer Switch Code Question

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A customer requests an addtional circuit (3 outlets) in a stand alone garage.

She has an outside 100 AMP disconnect at the entrance. From there the feeder goes direct to the oposite side of the house and terminates at a Ronk 100 AMP manual transfer switch (for a portable generator hookup).

EGC and all neutrals from the single house distribution panel and the stand alone garage distribution panel are bonded together inside the Ronk manual transfer switch. The house distribution panel and the stand alone garage distribution panel have egc and neutral seperate as required in each panel.

House panel is 100 AMP service. Stand alone garage panel is 100 AMP service.

I cannot find a code section on this.
Q - Can both these two distribution panels be bonded together (EGC and neutral) at the same location inside the Ronk manual transfer switch?
Q - If they can be does the bond at the outside entrance disconnect (on the other side of the house) cause a problem by being a second EGC and neutral bond?

Welcome to the forum !

Section 250.24(A)(5) prohibits the grounding of the grounded conductor beyond the service.

An exception to this would be if the transfer switch switches the grounded conductor with the ungrounded conductors - the generator qualifies as a Separately Derived System in this case. The transfer switch would be a 3 pole.

I am assuming the transfer switch is a two pole, & the grounded conductor is not switched.
see 250.35(B)
& 702.8(B) also.

From Soares Book on Grounding & Bonding 10th Edition page 231:
Where the generator is not a separately derived system the neutral system bonding jumper must be removed from the generator and the neutral must not be grounded at the generator or at any point between the generator up to the service.

Thanks for the reply. I believe the generator is not a seperatly derived EGC and neutral are all connected and not switched.system IAW:

Article 100 definition - the generator of the customer has its neutral permantly connected to the POCO neutral with only the hots being switched.
It is a two pole.
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