GEC attachment point

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Senior Member
Need some clarification as to the correct attachment point of the GEC. Can the GEC be attached at the meter socket as opposed to the first point of disconnect? Is it up to the utility as far as if it's allowable to bring this conductor into "their" equipment? Common practice for me has always been to terminate at first disconnecting means. I am encountering a situation where there will be 2 sets of service entrance conductors leaving the socket(one underground to a outbuilding, and one under a cement garage floor to an interior panel location).There will be no disconnecting means at the meter.Attachment at the meter is less labor intensive and material cost is lower since the footing re bar is within feet of it. Thanks.
Code wise in my opinion that is fine

250.24 Grounding Service-Supplied Alternating-Current Systems.

(A) System Grounding Connections. A premises wiring system supplied by a grounded ac service shall have a grounding electrode conductor connected to the grounded service conductor, at each service, in accordance with 250.24(A)(1) through (A)(5).

(1) General. The grounding electrode conductor connection shall be made at any accessible point from the load end of the service drop or service lateral to and including the terminal or bus to which the grounded service conductor is connected at the service disconnecting means.

But some inspectors say the meter is not accessible.

You will need to check with the power company if they allow it, some require it, some allow it and some prohibit it.
I agree with Bob and around here we're prohibited by the POCO from landing the GEC in the meter enclosure.
Code wise in my opinion that is fine

But some inspectors say the meter is not accessible.

You will need to check with the power company if they allow it, some require it, some allow it and some prohibit it.

Guess the first thing to do would be ask the inspector/AHJ what they allow.

Here we have 2 of the scenarios you mention.
One POCO requires it, the other prohibits it.

The inspectors go with what the POCO says about the meter. If not allowed in the meter pan, then any of the attachment points listed is fine.

To the OP...keep in mind you will need to have a separate grounding system at the out building, so you will have to see what is best at that location for the GEC connection.
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