GEC, CEE, two main panels, just checking

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Senior Member
Currently in NJ
An associate was talking about the service he's going to do on a new duplex going up and a couple of issues came up. For one, he plans on having the respective unit's panel in it's garage, which are side by side, thus, the service conductors will pass through one unit's garage in order to feed the neighboring unit, is this a concern? I told him to check with the inspector. Also, the meters with mains will be mounted on one side of the building so a full sized (For a 400a service) GEC and CEE will have to be run to this location correct? I'm pretty sure of myself but a bystander mentioned he could just run multiple GEC's and CEE's to each panel instead of what I proposed. Also, this bystander said he'd have no issues with the feeder passing through the neighbors dwelling if there were OCP ahead of it, of which has nothing to do with this issue in my opinion.
Few things to consider:
230.72 Each occupant much have access to their service disconnect.
240.24 Each occupant must have access to his OCP devices.
230.72 Service disconnects must be grouped.
230.70(A)(1) Service disconnect outside or inside nearest point of entrance.

as far as GE C's, one can run a set to each service panel, or a common grounding electrode conductor with taps to each service disconnect.
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Few things to consider:

as far as GE C's, one can run a set to each service panel, or a common grounding electrode conductor with taps to each service disconnect.
Gus, wouldn't 250.64(D) (3) mandate that the GEC be connected at the service disconnects outside?
Gus, wouldn't 250.64(D) (3) mandate that the GEC be connected at the service disconnects outside?
yes. I added the word "service" in an (unsuccessful) attempt to state that :)...should have not used the word "panel" I think.
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