I am upgrading a house to 400A service and moving it to an underground feed. I plan to mount the meter base outside the garage and will place a ground rod there and connect it to the meter base. Inside the garage I will install two 200A disconnects and feed two 200A panels from there. One will be located in the garage and the 2nd in the basement of the house. This rural property has a well with the water pipe entering into the basement on the opposite wall from where the basement panel will be. Should I run a GEC from the water pipe to the panel in the basement or does it have to go all the way back to the meter base? Also, the water pipe is plastic when it enters the basement, not copper. Do I connect to it as close as I can after it is converted to copper or does it really matter? Should the well casing be connected also since it is 6 inch diameter steel and goes down over 100 feet?