GEC for Residential Boat Dock

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I've been asked to wire a residential boat dock. I would feed a panel out on the dock (340' from the shore) to provide power for boat lift, lights, and receptacles. All would be GFCI protected. I called the inspector to ask what particular things he wanted to see before I started (new locale for me). He indicated he would require GEC for the panel run back to a ground rod at the shore. He cited 250.32, the dock is a seperate structure.. The panel is fed from the shed which is about 7' from the start of the dock. The panel in the shed has a grounding electrode sytem, but this will not meet 250.32 as the dock is a seperate from the shed. I don't see where running a 340' gec to a ground rod that is 7' from the ground rod feeding the panel gains anything. Has anyone encountered something like this? Any thoughts or ideas are welcome.
Every dock that I've wired has required the two ground rods, because it is indeed a separate structure. You could put a disconnect close to the shore, and then run the GEC to there. You would just need the equipment ground out to the subpanel. That's the way I would do it anyway.
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