GEC Neutral Bonding

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Little Bill

Staff member
Tennessee NEC:2017
Semi-Retired Electrician
I know we are allowed, per the NEC, to land the GEC in a meter base or weatherhead (and other locations). Either place, the neutral is bonded to the GEC. The use of a metal raceway will cause parallel paths for neutral current from the meter to the panel/disconnect. We know this happens and is allowed. What I can't seem to find is where it says it's allowed.
My brain is getting old!
As I see it, on the line side of the main disco, the neutral conductor and any raceways and enclosures are collectively considered the earthed neutral, and define the zero-voltage point of the service.

It's allowed by the fact that it's how the NEC tells us to do it.
Also seems it causes objectionable current by default. I thought I had read somewhere that this practice was allowed. But I suppose it's just the "nature of the beast"!
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