GEC question

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romex jockey

Senior Member
incoming power from building A to building B is going away, local poco is installing poles to bring power to building B

Overhead service drop is to be placed on end of building (about 200' long) opposite the incoming H2O and Sprinkler riser on the other

Sprinkler runs up from opposite end , and laterally on through accessible attic area to the new service end....

Q~ would 250.68 C ex allow me to tag my 'new' GEC to the sprinkler in that attic

if so.....

Q~ what should i do with the old cu at the riser entrance?

thx for all replies

Even though it is water piping sprinkler piping can not be used for a GEC and using it for a jumper makes it part of the GES, it is in chapter 10 of NFPA 13.

Even though it is water piping sprinkler piping can not be used for a GEC and using it for a jumper makes it part of the GES, it is in chapter 10 of NFPA 13.


Thank you Roger. I was going to respond about the sprinkler but I couldn't back it up in the NEC. Now I know why- I thought I remembered hearing that...just never read it
Fellas, this is the code i was hopin' to make good on>>>>

250.68 C Exception: In industrial, commercial, and institutional buildings or
structures, if conditions of maintenance and supervision ensure that
only qualified persons service the installation, interior metal water
piping located more than 1.52 m (5 ft) from the point of entrance to the
building shall be permitted as a bonding conductor to interconnect elec‐
trodes that are part of the grounding electrode system, or as a grounding
electrode conductor, if the entire length, other than short sections pass‐
ing perpendicularly through walls, floors, or ceilings, of the interior
metal water pipe that is being used for the conductor is exposed.

And if it weren't for that confounded NFPA 13 you might could have.

"Section 250.50 of the National Electrical Code (NEC) requires that a metal underground water pipe in direct contact with the earth for at least 10 feet or more be used as one of the grounding electrodes for the electrical service to the building."
I get it but the way it was written it sounded like you knew a code section that stated the sprinklers specifically. Lots of times we have to use other codes in our wiring plan.

Smoke detectors- building code
Gas Pipe- Gas Code
Sprinklers- Sprinkler Code

I am sure there are more
I get it but the way it was written it sounded like you knew a code section that stated the sprinklers specifically. Lots of times we have to use other codes in our wiring plan.

Smoke detectors- building code
Gas Pipe- Gas Code
Sprinklers- Sprinkler Code

I am sure there are more

I don't have the exact wording in front of me, but doesn't it say ".....underground water pipe....?" Y'all are saying a "sprinkler pipe" is not a "water pipe"?
No, we are not saying that, we are saying sprinkler piping has it's own set of rules beyond water service piping.

I get it but the way it was written it sounded like you knew a code section that stated the sprinklers specifically. Lots of times we have to use other codes in our wiring plan.

Smoke detectors- building code
Gas Pipe- Gas Code
Sprinklers- Sprinkler Code

I am sure there are more
It seems pretty clear to me it's NEC required and we have a conflict with another code publication.
in the ex. Den>>>

"interior metal water piping"

Go for it Steve, you don't want the answer we have given you so why did you ask if you were dead set in doing it the way you want to?

It seems pretty clear to me it's NEC required and we have a conflict with another code publication.
No we don't, the NEC requires the sprinkler piping to be bonded it does not require it to be a GE where as in most cases with it''s dielectric unions it doesn't meet the requirement of being a GE.

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