400AMP meter feed with parallel 4/0 4/0 2/0
So ging back to Table 250.66 you would have an ungrounded conductor size of over 350 though 600 (assumming copper) and would need a GEC sized at 1/0 copper.
Chris you did all the hard work. BTW, I agree 1/0
Actually the feeder conductors are aluminum 4/0 so it would be 2awg cu or a 1/0 Alu needed for the waterground.
I don't think so. 4/0 alum that is parallel would require 3/0 alum. GEC, I believe- not at the book so not sure.
No it says Aluminum or copper-clad Aluminum over 250 through 500 is 2 CU or 1/0 alu/alu cooper-clad alu
You may have to change your subscript..."I thought I made a mistake once but I was wrong"..vs.."I thought I made a mistake once and I was right"...I often have to count my mistakes using front-end estimation, single digits are just too slow...
4/0 parallel Aluminum to feed a 400A service?
Where's my book?
Paralleled 4/0 aluminum conductors at 75 degrees C have an ampacity of 360 amps. Provided that the calculated load does not exceed that you can use the next size up rule in 240.4(B) and protect the conductors with a 400 amp breaker.
True, but if I'm paying for a 400 amp service I want 400 amps worth of conductors. Never know if you may need some more juice in the future.