GEC sizing...

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Hi everybody, I have a 800 amps service disconnect switch with 2 set of parallel 600 kcmill .
I understood that if the GEC is connected to a ground rod the size of the GEC doesn't have to be large than #4. Also the ground rod is about 100' away from the service switch, please correct me if I'm wrong or let me know if I have to size the GEC with the table 250.66, thanks.

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You will have to have larger EGCs and bond wires, but the GEC size is limited.
This is just another illustration that the safety role of the ground electrode connection is minimal.
remember if you have any of the items mentioned in 250.52(A)(1) through (A)(7) present you must use them as grounding electrodes. If you don't have any of these available then you must add at least one and the ground rod is the typical item that gets added.
Do you have any other electrodes besides the ground rod(s) ? (building steel, footer ground, etc)
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