gec tap

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Senior Member
ridgewood, n.j.
this has happen to me more than once { in this city} where we do a 3 or 4 family service , no main . we bring our common gec to the last panel and from the other panels we bring the gec taps and split bolt connect them to the common gec.
this one city insist that they have to have a irrversable connection for the taps comming from the panels . i spoke to two of the inspectors and they both want it done thier way. am i missing something? i have done it with the split bolt connection in many other towns without a problem. the common gec is in one piece without any cuts or joints. i know i have to do as they want but just wondering if there is a way to get them to see it.
As I see it the way you have been installing it is correct. One common gec with a split bolt to the other panels. No irreversible connection is necessary.
250.64(D) Common Grounding Electrode Conductor Taps.
The tap conductors shall be connected to the common grounding electrode conductor in such a manner that the common grounding electrode conductor remains without a splice or joint.

*(this is the last sentence of this section)

Refer to 250.8 for permitted means of this connection (bonding) and show this to the inspector.
This has now been a code permitted method for several code cycles, although it has been a field installed method for many more years.
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