GEC to Water Main

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While performing a grounding and bonding inspection at a customer facility, I found a properly sized GEC connected between the main ground bus and the water main within 5' of where the water enters the building.

The problem I'm struggling with is routing of the GEC. It exits the main service equipment panel in one conduit of a parallel circuit (two conduits) to a feeder panel. It is not terminated in the feeder panel and exits it through a dedicated conduit to the water main located in another room.

Does this violate any part of NEC250? I have been unable to find anything that would prohibit this routing, but my gut tells me this could be done better. It seems that if the conduit and the feeder panel are appropriately bonded this is an acceptable path for the GEC.

Any insight? :confused:
Re: GEC to Water Main

I have questioned the routing of GEC's many times. There really is no NEC assistance with this issue. For something that most likely will not ever perform a single function, it is hard to determine that a hazard exists with this practice.
Re: GEC to Water Main

Thanks for the replies.

I kind of figured the same, but the main thing that was troubling me was routing the GEC through a section of conduit containing one of two parallel feeder circuits out of the main.

It seems like it would be better to put it in it's own dedicated conduit rather than running it with some random circuit that could potentially set up fields that oppose the flow of fault current.

Maybe I'm thinking too hard on this one...
Re: GEC to Water Main

I can't think of any hazards arising from this setup. If the conduit is metal, the GEC needs to be bonded to each end of the conduit as referenced by raider1. :)
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