Generac Automatic Transfer Switch Install

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New User

I bought a used generator and transfer switch from a Generac installer. He had a customer that was upgrading, so he bought their old one, and then I got his old one.

Anyway, it is a 7kW unit with an automatic transfer switch + panel.

The generator is installed, starts up and runs, and I am now working on the wiring (generator battery was removed, no worries). Everything is hooked up on the generator side, but I am having trouble on the transfer switch side.

I understand where the mains go and the ground, however, I am unsure where the neutral goes. Obviously there is one connection that can go to the neutral bar in the transfer switch, but wouldn't it need to switch between the neutral coming from the generator, and the neutral coming from the main depending on which power source it is drawing from at the time?

Thanks in advance.
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