Generac Battery Charging

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Generac 20 kW standby generator.

I know that the battery charging power comes from the utility power (120 VAC on T1 and N1 terminals feeding the main controller). What I want to know is, when the utility power is off and generator is running, is there any charging current available from the generator itself (in case the generator should be running for days or even weeks during an extended power outage)?
There would have to be, otherwise the ignition system would eventually run the battery down.
I agree.

You could verify by disconnecting the charger and then checking battery voltage before starting vs running. If there is a charging system voltage probably rises from ~12 volts to ~14 volts while running.
What if it's Diesel?
Of course there other services and instruments to be powered.
Even older technology gasoline engines could have a magneto for ignition. (may or may not have battery charging features with it) But most of today's equipment will have electronic controls for fuel delivery, ignition (if applicable), and even emissions controls.
Small engines sometimes have an alternator built into the flywheel, providing a 14-volt DC supply even though there might not be anything visible such as a belt-driven automotive-style alternator or 120-volt AC battery-charging module.
If I recall correctly, t1 is fed from the load side of transfer switch, therefore t1 gets its 120v from the generator during utility loss to power charger/controller. Also if I recall correctly, n1 and n2 are only used for utility sensing.
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