Generac generators

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The prepackaged automatic transfer switches that generac makes for residential standby come with a 30 foot whip from the back side of the control box that is mounted on the house. My question is what do you guys do with all the extra length of wire when the main service is only 5 feet when you stub in the house. Can you cut the flex conduit with out violating the listing of it or the warranty.
generac whip

generac whip

Typically if i can in neat looking way i coil up the flex and strap it to the floor joist in the basement if thats were the panel is. or in the garage coil it in the attic. my feeling is leave the length the way it came from the factory so if there is ever a waranty issue they cant blame on it bad splicing or re wired terminals. even though i would much rather cut it and set a box to shorten it.
FMC bends

FMC bends

348.26 limits the bends in FMC to 360 degrees. I doubt there's any warning supplied with the unit that tells you the warranty would be void for shortening the flex. What would happen if you had to elongate it?
348.26 limits the bends in FMC to 360 degrees. I doubt there's any warning supplied with the unit that tells you the warranty would be void for shortening the flex. What would happen if you had to elongate it?

We sold a unit a few years ago where the EC was tagged by inspector for lengthening the factory whip, citing UL listing violations. Not sure what the resolution was.
Electrical reasons not to shorten it? ,,,,no,,,,,,Warranty reason,,,,yes

No warranty concern at all for Generac whips. (I'm a dealer). The only real reason they even exist is to make the install somewhat user friendly for the DIYer.

In most cases in and around Chicago we rarely use the whip at all. Usually more trouble than its worth. We pipe from the ATS to the wall penetration for the unit and liquidtight from there.

However we will use the wiring. Just pull it out of the whip and into the pipe. Done deal.
No warranty concern at all for Generac whips. (I'm a dealer). The only real reason they even exist is to make the install somewhat user friendly for the DIYer.

In most cases in and around Chicago we rarely use the whip at all. Usually more trouble than its worth. We pipe from the ATS to the wall penetration for the unit and liquidtight from there.

However we will use the wiring. Just pull it out of the whip and into the pipe. Done deal.

My partner is also a dealer, and we install plenty. I find it hard to believe that if there is a malfunction of the transfer switch, and they found the whip had been shortened, they wouldn't buck against it. I'm quite sure they'd look there first.
No warranty concern at all for Generac whips. (I'm a dealer). The only real reason they even exist is to make the install somewhat user friendly for the DIYer.

In most cases in and around Chicago we rarely use the whip at all. Usually more trouble than its worth. We pipe from the ATS to the wall penetration for the unit and liquidtight from there.

However we will use the wiring. Just pull it out of the whip and into the pipe. Done deal.

I have a scenario where there is 2 panels in the basement. One 200 amp panel and a 100 amp subpanel. Some of the critical circuits are in the 200 amp panel and some are in the 100 amp subpanel. I wouldnt think that the 16 space prepackaged panel that they make would make sense in this type of install but would be to install just the regular ats switch and set another panel and run the citical circuits to this panel?
My partner is also a dealer, and we install plenty. I find it hard to believe that if there is a malfunction of the transfer switch, and they found the whip had been shortened, they wouldn't buck against it. I'm quite sure they'd look there first.

Things that will void the warranty:
1. Insufficient gas pressure causing a catastrophic engine failure.
2. Conductors landed on wrong terminal.
3. Unit (sensing conductors), supplied with improper voltage.
4. Battery polarity reversed.

While the above list is not all inclusive, item #2 would or could be a result of shortening the whip. Due diligence is suggested. A licensed electrician is recommended.

However, the manufacturer does give guidelines for lengthening the whip. Wire size is increased as per their charts and guidelines shown in the owners manual.
I have a scenario where there is 2 panels in the basement. One 200 amp panel and a 100 amp subpanel. Some of the critical circuits are in the 200 amp panel and some are in the 100 amp subpanel. I wouldnt think that the 16 space prepackaged panel that they make would make sense in this type of install but would be to install just the regular ats switch and set another panel and run the citical circuits to this panel?

The 16 ckt. load center that you mentioned comes prepackaged, (if purchased that way), with the 17kW unit.

Generac anticipates that a 16 ckt. panel is the most one would probably need with that size unit.

Going the way that you describe is fine so long as you understand that you will still have the same total load limitations, just more spaces for breakers, which appears to be what you want.
Electrical reasons not to shorten it? ,,,,no,,,,,,Warranty reason,,,,yes

If I shortened it and was told I had voided the warranty by doing so by the manufacturer I would politely (well, maybe) tell the rep. that I obviously never had a warranty and they were going to deny any claim I make for any silly reason they could come up with.
Reminds me of an A/C supplier we had. Warranty was: you pay to have it fixed and if we decide it was our fault we will give you a credit on your next purchase.
We don't buy their A/C's anymore. Only if Customer insists and then we tell them warranty problems are your problem.
348.26 limits the bends in FMC to 360 degrees. I doubt there's any warning supplied with the unit that tells you the warranty would be void for shortening the flex. What would happen if you had to elongate it?

We've lengthend it to 100' and just ran 1 size bigger wire and it all ran fine.
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