Generac Stand-By Generator - Power Transfer question

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We have a Generac standby natural gas generator 10Kw Model 0060611. We have a small oil leak, which we're getting fixed. In the meantime, we wondered ... if the generator fails during a power outage, what do we have to do, if anything, so that when the regular power is restored we'll have power in the house even though the generator may still be broken? For example, should we go outside to the generator and turn the switch to off? Thanks.
We have a Generac standby natural gas generator 10Kw Model 0060611. We have a small oil leak, which we're getting fixed. In the meantime, we wondered ... if the generator fails during a power outage, what do we have to do, if anything, so that when the regular power is restored we'll have power in the house even though the generator may still be broken? For example, should we go outside to the generator and turn the switch to off? Thanks.

You need to contact a local EC or Generator specialist to help you.

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