Generator Accessories: Where to power from?

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I am currently designing a Type I, Essential Electrical System for a ambulatory surgery center. I am following NFPA 70 & NFPA 99. My question concerns an outdoor generator in a sound attenuated enclosure.

There are 6 items that the generator needs: (1) a Receptacle, (2) Task illumination, (3) a battery charger for the battery backed-up task immumination, (4) Block heater, (5) Battery Charger, & (6) Battery Warmer.

The items that I know must be on the Life Safety Branch are: receptacle, task illumination, task illumination charger.

I am unsure about the other items. The NEC says the battery charger must be on emergency power, but NFPA 99 prevents any other loads besides their listed criteria on Life Safety or Critical.

I am unsure how to proceed with those items.

I am currently designing a Type I, Essential Electrical System for a ambulatory surgery center. I am following NFPA 70 & NFPA 99. My question concerns an outdoor generator in a sound attenuated enclosure.

There are 6 items that the generator needs: (1) a Receptacle, (2) Task illumination, (3) a battery charger for the battery backed-up task illumination, (4) Block heater, (5) Battery Charger, & (6) Battery Warmer.

The items that I know must be on the Life Safety Branch are: receptacle, task illumination, task illumination charger.

I am unsure about the other items. The NEC says the battery charger must be on emergency power, but NFPA 99 prevents any other loads besides their listed criteria on Life Safety or Critical.

I am unsure how to proceed with those items.

this is a simple process of elimination:
don't need a block heater if the generator is running, or a battery warmer
battery charger will depend upon if the engine has a alternator, if it does then no need for the battery charger to be on generator power, if no alternator then you will need charger or engine will die when battery is depleted.
The NEC says the battery charger must be on emergency power, but NFPA 99 prevents any other loads besides their listed criteria on Life Safety or Critical

700.12 B 4 says it shall be connected to the emergy. system. The word " shall" sets it in stone. Its one of the cases of if you do one thing you violate the other. Connect it to the emergy. system and let the AHJ make the ruling if it is taged.
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