Generator and house power in the same conduit ?

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Garage has panel with conduit to it. Home owner would like to back feed the feeder??

Can I remove the 8's or 6's and put in two sets of 10's one for feeder and one for generator back to the house?

If so. Would those conductors need ampacity adjustment?

Thank you
Yes you can mix utility supplied and optional generator supplied wiring in the same conduit.

Derating may be an issue.
Seems like if you set it up so only one set can be energized at a time derating wouldn't apply.
It would not, but assuming they want gen power in the garage all conductors will be hot

I'm reading it that the HO wants his generator in the shed for back up power when the utility is out and wants to use an existing raceway to get that power back into the house.
I'm reading it that the HO wants his generator in the shed for back up power when the utility is out and wants to use an existing raceway to get that power back into the house.

Yes, other than it is a garage not a shed and we do not know if the customer wants both the garage and the house to have power when utility is out.

Garage has panel with conduit to it. Home owner would like to back feed the feeder??
Thank you.

He said back feed the house with the feeder so I'm "assuming" the garage feeder would not have been used for the garage but the back feed.

I haven't done calculations in a while for different size conductors in a raceway. 3/4 PVC sch 40. I'm thinking 6 10s with a 10 Egc.

Now thinking 3 8s 3 10s with a 10 egc.

What was it ? 70%. Thanks for the info and help

For derating you would use 80% with 4 CCC's. If only one will be energized at a time (like with an interlock on the main panel) then no derating required. Not sure if your wire combo will fit in a 3/4" Sch40 PVC, you are allowed 5-#8 THWN conductors so it will be close.
I think I'm in..
It was 40% conductor fill.

3- 8s (BRW) and 4- 10's (BRWG) = 37.1%

so close
3-6s and 4-10s = 44.81%
I'll check. But assuming yes

He first told me he wanted to back feed the house with those feeder wires.

And my guess is that when he said that he also assumed that there would be usable power in the garage.

I would get a firm answer on that before doing to much. :)
With a small generator he's going to have to be pretty picky about what he powers so I'm guessing power back to the garage probably isn't a high priority.
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