Generator as main power feeding 2 loads.

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Lewisville, Texas
Sr Project Engineer
Does the NEC says anything about the generator acting as main power feeding two separate loads.
There is no utility power.
I was thinking two separate disconnects will work. The generator is a Capstone. So two set of feeders from the Capstone bus bars, one to each disconnect.
One feeder will be for existing loads, an MCC. Second feeder will be for new MCC.
Doesn't Capstone provide a main breaker on the unit like a regular packaged genset? If not I would think that Capstone would indicate the type and number of OCPDs at the machine. This sounds like an oilfield project.
Yes this is an oilfield project. Yes the Capstone will have it main breakers. The client want the new and existing loads to be separate, thus the two disconnect switches.
Done all the time in commercial. Two or more breakers in the generator, one feeds life safety transfer switch, while the other feeds optional load transfer switch. Would be the same as your situation, but yours is the prime mover, not the backup.
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