Generator Bonding

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We are planning on installing an 80 KW, (125 Amp), 480\277 Volt, 3 Phase, Emergency Generator and a 150 Amp, 480 Volt, Three Pole, ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) to feed a 480 Volt, 12 circuit Emergency Panel. My questions is this: Should the Neutral and Ground be bonded together at the Generator source, or should it be isolated? They are isolated at the transfer switch of coarse. This is a non-service entrance rated application.
The neutral and equipment ground should not be bonded at the generator when the neutral is not switched.

When the transfer switch is after the service disconnect I think of it and the generator as sub-panels. Each get five wires, neutrals isolated from equipment grounds, each on their corresponding buss or lug.
The neutral and equipment ground should not be bonded at the generator when the neutral is not switched.

When the transfer switch is after the service disconnect I think of it and the generator as sub-panels. Each get five wires, neutrals isolated from equipment grounds, each on their corresponding buss or lug.

That is what I thought. It is just that the Generator comes from the factory with the Neutral and ground bonded together. I will isolate them. Thank You.
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