Generator Conversion

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Need help figuring out how to get 3 phase from single phase genset.

There is no direct method. You could use your gen to power an inversion device such as a roto-phase, some drives or a motor-generator set but in most cases it is impractical.
3 phase from single phase genset

Easiest way is to use the single phase output as the input to a 3 phase motor drive inverter.

You can also strip the winding out of the single phase generator and rewind in a 3 phase configuration, but likely not worth that effort as cheap as inverters are becoming.
Single phase

Single phase

Thank you all for the replies. The gen is a Cat 75KW G75F1S. To replace would be around $35K. It
appears a rot-phase would cost more than a new gen end. It's powering a 75HP compressor and several
small pumps. Looks like most economical way is to replace gen end to 3 phase.
Thank you all for the replies. The gen is a Cat 75KW G75F1S. To replace would be around $35K. It
appears a rot-phase would cost more than a new gen end. It's powering a 75HP compressor and several
small pumps. Looks like most economical way is to replace gen end to 3 phase.

Being a CAT product is encouraging although it is most likely an Olympian.
Have you contacted CAT about reconfiguring? You will have to provide them the exact model & serial number and they can peovide you with info concerning that particular unit configuration when it was manufactured.
Without the serial number I cannot ascertain the config when manufactured.
Do you know the generator head model number?
Do you know how may winding leads the generator has? If there are 9 or 12 winding leads, it can most likely be reconfigured for 3-phase. but will require additional changes and controller programming.
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