Generator Emergency Load Center


I have a question.
I was working on a backup Generator Emergency system with an Automatic Transfer switch Load center that was supplying 8 120 vac circuits in a home. 4 circuits are fed through the subpanel ( that is mounted on the left next to the Main Load Center), and 4 circuits are fed through the Main Panel. The Emergency Generator Panel is mounted on the right side of the main panel.
The Emergency panel is fed by a 2 pole 50 amp Breaker fed from the subpanel, the feeder conductors are #4 thhn in conduit, the Neutral conductor is #4 thhn, and the ground is #10 thhn. In a separate conduit ran from the Emergency panel to the subpanel are the 4 120 vac branch circuits, the conductors are 1 #12 thhn hot wires for each of the 4 circuits, no neutral wire but there is a #12 thhn ground wire. From the Emergency panel to the Main Panel is a 10" piece of 3/4" conduit connecting the 2 panels. There are 4 120 vac branch circuits in this conduit, Hotwire conductors are #12 thhn, No neutral, and 1 #12 thhn ground.
The branch circuit wires are connected with wirenuts in each the Main Panel and the subpanel. Does this violate any code requirments? Please take it easy on me.
It sounds like you have branch circuits whose L an N conductors originate in different panels. The result is that the Ls are in a raceway without the corresponding neutrals. See 300.3(B).
Thank you for the code reference.
I'm not sure if it would be a tap conductor since the Circuits are passing through the subpanel and main panel.