Generator equipment wiring

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Can the generator load wire and the circuits for the battery charger and block heater be installed in the same conduit?

As long as they are "class 1 circuits" Yes. Unless the instructions prohibit it.
Has someone told you that you can't?
Class 1 circuits? Aren't those power limited circuits?
What I've got is 3-#1 THHN and 1-#6THHN from the generator to transfer switch and a couple of 120V circuits to battery charger and engine block heater for generator. Looking to see if these can be installed in the same. I cannot find in the code where I can install both together. Seems ot me that they have to be seperate.
Class 1 circuits? Aren't those power limited circuits?
What I've got is 3-#1 THHN and 1-#6THHN from the generator to transfer switch and a couple of 120V circuits to battery charger and engine block heater for generator. Looking to see if these can be installed in the same. I cannot find in the code where I can install both together. Seems ot me that they have to be seperate.

Let me re-phrase that,
As long as they are power and lighting circuits you can do it.
After reading the definition of a class1 circuit I see why you would question that.
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why wouldn't you be able to?

as long as all the conductors are rated for the voltage, there should be no violation.

i've run battery charger wires in the same conduit and never had a problem with an inspection.
When the generator is running and carrying the load, the power for the block heater and battery charger is coming from the generator, in the same raceway as the generator load.
The only issue would be with derating due to the number of conductors.
Thank you. They are all THHN CU conductors. 3-#1 4-#12 CCC all in a 2" PVC. I did oversize because it was a short distance.

I had a doubt so thought I'd ask.
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