Generator, Kirk Key, and N/G bond

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Senior Member
This is a new service at a wholesale box store. Outdoor service equipment is

sec 1. Utility tie in

sec 2. 3000a 4pole kirk key main breaker

sec 3. Is bussed to both main c.b and gen c.b. load side, also has lugs for MDP inside bld.

sec 4. 1600a 4pole kirk key c.b., fed from a gen tap box with-in 10 feet

gen tap box- provides termination for A,B,C,N, and GRD. This leads me to believe that the

gen will have the N/G bonded. (note) the gen is not on site, it is the type mounted in a

trailer pulled by a semi truck.

Ok, the Sq'D' equipment has MBJ ( neutral disconnect link ) on the line side of both the

breakers, plus if the gen has N/G bonded we have a violation, regrounding the neutral.

Before I talk to sq'd' I thought I would like to hear comments from the Forum. THX

chris kennedy

Senior Member
Miami Fla.
60 yr old tool twisting electrician
I don't understand Frank. You state 4 pole breakers. Grounded conductor switches? If so I see no violation if the genny comes with a neutral-ground jumper.


Senior Member
I don't understand Frank. You state 4 pole breakers. Grounded conductor switches? If so I see no violation if the genny comes with a neutral-ground jumper.

Chris, There are N/G bonds at both the 1600a and the 3000a c.b.s already. I think by

removing the N/G bond at the 1600a gen c.b the problem will go away, but there is a

ton of 'stuff' in these sections. ( gf protection, current sensors, etc. ) I don't know how

it would effect any of that.


Senior Member
Before I talk to sq'd' I thought I would like to hear comments from the Forum. THX
Frank by removing the jumper in section 4, the equipment will operate the same. All your doing is moving the jumper closer to the source of the SDS. This will then make it a compliant install. You'll need to verify of course that the jumper is installed at the generator.



Senior Member
This is a new service at a wholesale box store. Outdoor service equipment is

sec 1. Utility tie in

sec 2. 3000a 4pole kirk key main breaker

sec 3. Is bussed to both main c.b and gen c.b. load side, also has lugs for MDP inside bld.

sec 4. 1600a 4pole kirk key c.b., fed from a gen tap box with-in 10 feet

gen tap box- provides termination for A,B,C,N, and GRD. This leads me to believe that the

gen will have the N/G bonded. (note) the gen is not on site, it is the type mounted in a

trailer pulled by a semi truck.

Ok, the Sq'D' equipment has MBJ ( neutral disconnect link ) on the line side of both the

breakers, plus if the gen has N/G bonded we have a violation, regrounding the neutral.

Before I talk to sq'd' I thought I would like to hear comments from the Forum. THX

Well its kinda like this if your ATS transfer switch has a 4 pole switch with a switched neutral then you will bond the generator neutral to the grounded electrode conductor a bonding jumper in genset . IT ALL HAS TO DO WITH YOUR TRANSFER SWITCH NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR MAIN SWITCH SO WHAT TYPE OF TRANSFER SWITCH IS IT ?

Meaning your main switchboard will already have its bonding jumper connected per code . Now its the transfer switch which will mean a bonding jumper or not in that generator .

Meaning bonding jumper inside the generator !

Now if your ATS transfer switch is a 3 pole with a solid neutral internal then your just bond the switch boards and your fine .

Meaning the switchboards or just the emergency switchboard has its neutral already bonded so with the solid neutral inside the transfer switch your done !
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