Generator load calculations


Traverse City, MI
Hey guys, I’m looking for a bit of guidance for a load calculation sheet. Is there an easy ish way to fill these out? Our local inspector inspector requires it for generators and this is the first time I’ve had to do this. Is there a filled out spreadsheet you guys use and send over to me? Would be super helpful because I’m lost here. Thank you for any and all help, very much appreciated.
Afternoon all,
I have a customer with a 50A sub pNel in a detached garage.
Nothing currently on it but a few led lights and a general purpose receptacle.

He wants a 240v 48A ev charger installed.

I can't find in the code book what the largest allowance load is.

As such, how many sub panels and what size can be taken out of a 200A sub panel.
You can't hang another 200A off it, I belive it's 150A max. But canopy find it in the book.
You can have a 200A sub off a 200A sub off a 200A sub.... What matters is the total load calculation, and that you can get a sufficiently large feeder breaker or subfeed lug for the parent panel to feed it. Generally, a 100A feeder is easy to do off of any 200A panel. 125's may be harder to do, and larger than that may be a 4 slot breaker if they make it for the panel.