generator on property separated by road

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Senior Member
Not able to find any info on this. A life-safety level 1 exterior generator to serve a building. Can the generator go on property owned by the same entity but the generator and the building served are separated by an abandoned road? Not concerned with right of ways etc, just concerned if it is allowed and are any conflicts with possibly circuits on 1 property feeding another, etc.
It bothers me that you wave off the concerns of the abandon road.

I believe you need to talk to the client about getting the plat(s) re-deeded. I say
this in respects to what the exact titles are on the individual plats. This health
corp. might be one name and the partnership or umbrella corp. that owns the health
facility, verses the land and road in question might be another.

The road should show up as abandon or merged into someone property/plat, thus one
could install closer to individual building. This also gets into how the Local AHJ or State handles such
maters as road abandonment.

Most large metro areas already have their areas of plats on the computer and are searchable,
via the web.

Most all States control the inspection and construction of health care facilities.
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I don't see an issue here unless the abandoned road belongs to someone other than the property owner. Then it is an issue of dealing with whatever entity owns the road. In any case, the OP was not asking what he might have to do to get permission to get past the road.
To the op don't be concerned with my post, don't follow any lead I presented!

Just don't be surprised of the utilities easement that are usually under or beside
your abandoned road.

Thanks Bob, it's always refreshing to present idea's here. :thumbsup:
I don't care about the road at this point, All I care about, is if a life-safety generator has to be on the same property or can it feed from one property to another. Similarly, can the conductors from the generator leave one property for another.

Then, what if the property is owned by the same entity but different deeds. Lets say the road is not abandoned; it's active for argument sake and that a right of way has been obtained.

Also, there was no mention of a healthcare facility.
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