Generator Overload Situation

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Senior Member
Bloomington IN
I have a potential customer who purchased an 8KW portable generator for his home. He currently has two separate 200A service loadcenters fed from his 320A meterbase. (his home is only about 2000 sq. ft. with geothermal heat, total electric). I proposed one of these little generator panels that has the individually switched circuits with power meters. (like a Gen-tran) He wants more circuit selection than that. So I (dummy me) suggested a double pole, double throw transfer switch and subpanel arrangement. Now I am concerned about two things. First, is there a problem with extending circuits back out of the existing panels into the new "generator" panel? Second, what dangers are there with allowing the owner to select which circuits will be turned on in the generator panel so as not to overload his generator (he will not have meters in this arrangement)?
Re: Generator Overload Situation

8kW will only get you 33A on single phase so he won't be backing up much. (rule of thumb on single phase, 1.0 PF, take your kW times 4 and add 4%.)

I would recommend a residential automatic transfer switch with a built-in emergency load center. Generac makes a nice kit for use with their portables, but would work with others, that includes the ATS w/ 12 circuit loadcenter, breakers, connection box, wire, conduit, etc.

You simply pick what circuits he wants to backup and then splice those into the harness that goes back to the ATS/Loadcenter. When utility fails, the ATS kicks over locking out the main panel and only feeds the emergency circuits.

I work in the standby power business as a sales engineer...mostly industrial...but sometimes get into the smaller stuff. Never leave anything to do with a generator in the hands of your typical homeowner (i.e. Manual transfer switches, manual circuit selection, etc.) They don't understand how these systems work and the potential harm they can cause.

You can sell him on the fact that everything is automatic. If the wife and kids are home alone, they don't have to do anything.
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