Generator panel

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Residential customer requested generator option for his new house, i set a generator sub panel and ran the emergency circuits in to the panel, customer does not like it because he wants to be able to selectively turn on circuits. does someone make a panel that has generator option in the main panel, that way owner can turn on any circuits that he needs. Thanks for your help.
Either a service rated transfer switch or interlock hardware on the generator backfeed breaker, such as , would be two typical options. I think you just got your education on choosing for the customer when there are other options. You will always choose wrong.
generac makes one now w/ an automatic transfer switch (automatic interlock kit is what it is) inside the panel. squareD makes one as well.
brantmacga said:
generac makes one now w/ an automatic transfer switch (automatic interlock kit is what it is) inside the panel. squareD makes one as well.
Got a link to the square D one? Will it close a set of start contacts?
I thought that the Square D unit was made and marketed in a joint venture with Kohler?

Cheaper alternative would be to use Square D's own inter-lock kits. About 1/3 of the cost of the Interlokkits.
mdshunk said:
That's pretty neat. Nice that you can loadshed, to dump the AC and the like. Looks like a rather high-dollar affair, but just what the doctor ordered for these McMansions that get built on spec.

the generac's accomplish the same thing.
amazing electric said:
How would it work on 400A 2panel service, have to use two of this generator panels?

if you want to. but if you have a 400 amp service, you most likely will be installing a 200A transfer switch outside and running all of the loads you want to have secondary power to their own 200A panel.
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amazing electric said:
How would it work on 400A 2panel service, have to use two of this generator panels?
Wire in your emergengy power to the first panel with an installed interlock (I like the Square D) Then feed your second panel from the first panel, which will also have to have an interlock.
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Explain Please. I Love To Learn New Things

brantmacga said:
if you want to. but if you have a 400 amp service, you most likely will be installing a 200A transfer switch outside and running all of the loads you want to have secondary power to their own 200A panel.
Put in a 400 amp automatic transfer switch for a customer a few weeks ago. Service rated transfer switch, 15 Kw generator. The homeowner can potentially use any circuit in the house, he just has to manage his loads. That is if you can sell it. This guy had the money to do it and the motivation. His wife was on oxegen.
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