I would like to get some experienced electricians, engineers to comment on a work application where a emergency genie is used. The genie is for a 480 volt3 phase system. Sized I believe to be in the area of 2000 kw. The generator comes into service to supply power to the plant main switchgear that has been determined to be hazard cat 4 by the arc flash study. What does the operators of the genie have to be dressed in as far as ppe ? Is there any other requirements to go along with this work as far as interacting with genie or switchgear ?
There also a control panel to start the genie for testing that is about 10' from the switchgear, Is this something where ppe is needed ? From what I see there isn't any ppe being used when genie is in service for testing.
There also a control panel to start the genie for testing that is about 10' from the switchgear, Is this something where ppe is needed ? From what I see there isn't any ppe being used when genie is in service for testing.