Generator sizing and load shedding

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I've got a 20kW generator with a lighting base load of 3kW. I have 6 PTAC heat pumps that have 2.5 kW resistant heat and compressors with a Locked Rotor Amperage of 19 Amps. The FLA of the compressor is about 3 amps. My 20kW generator has load shedding capabilities. How many of the PTAC heat pumps can I hook up to the generator?

1) Are the stated loads continuous?

2) Are you running at 20KW output or 80-85% of generator capacity?

3) Are the resistance elements and compressors running simultaneously? (IF so what is the power draw of the motors for the compressors)?
I've got a 20kW generator with a lighting base load of 3kW. I have 6 PTAC heat pumps that have 2.5 kW resistant heat and compressors with a Locked Rotor Amperage of 19 Amps. The FLA of the compressor is about 3 amps. My 20kW generator has load shedding capabilities. How many of the PTAC heat pumps can I hook up to the generator?

A lot will depend on facts not yet provided.
Is your genset rated 20KW max or 20KW continuous?
Are your resistance hrating and heatpump loads 120 or 240V?
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