Generator Training

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I am looking to get some generator training. Generac has a two-day air-cooled training and American Trainco also has a two-day class. Does anyone have any experience with these classes or suggestions?

I am a journeyman working for a school district(great job, low pay) looking to upgrade my resume for a better paying job. I am also a part-time licensed contractor looking to expand my business.

I am looking to get some generator training. Generac has a two-day air-cooled training and American Trainco also has a two-day class. Does anyone have any experience with these classes or suggestions?

I am a journeyman working for a school district(great job, low pay) looking to upgrade my resume for a better paying job. I am also a part-time licensed contractor looking to expand my business.

Generac starts you out with the air cooled units then on to liquid cooled and then to industrial/commercial units all for large $$$$$. To become a dealer it cost you more $$$$$$ and you must keep so many units in stock. Then if you want to add service to being a dealer they tell you what parts to stock that you must pay for up front. Then depending on your level of dealer ship they tell you what they will pay for service and mileage. If you go on a warranty job and do not have the part that they tell you to stock they will not pay for a return trip. If you go to work on one of their units and are not one of their certified techs. they will not talk to you or give any support. The only way to make money is being a tech. and going on non-warranty repairs then you can charge your rate, parts mark up and mileage. One of the big dealers in my area charges $125.00 per hr plus $0.55 per mile with a 2 hr minimum charge. Most people I know that are small dealers will tell you they can buy the same generator off line cheaper than they can through Generac. The units I have sold and installed I bought off line. When I was done Generac would give me the code for the Nexus panel for that unit so I could do the start up. This would also activate the warranty on the unit and if the HO had problems with the unit they could call a authorized tech. to work on the unit.
Try Kohler Power Systems at 800.544.2444 or Cummins Onan at 1-800-888-6626.
Generac has become too difficult to work with and seem to have lost their way, especially with cultivating relationships with the dealers, service organizations and the consumer/end user.
Additional info:

My experience, as a Generac Power Pro Dealer, is that Generac is working to strengthen it's dealer network. I know there are complaints that Generac won't help anyone that's not a dealer, but as one that has spent a considerable amount of money training my men, I support this decision.
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