Generators feeding a home. Grounding and bonding.

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Senior Member
midwest usa
Read most of the OSHA and code stuff but still unclear on this. It seems some generators are grounded, some are not. IIRC, a lot of inverters are NOT grounded?

In any case, they indicate a safety concern for bonding a generator. However, if you are running a home with a generator, you WILL be bonding because the N and G are bonded in the main breaker panel.

I have always bonded on generators BUT I am now questioning if you don't disconnect the N from the POCO with a transfer switch and only disconnect the main breaker, is there a concern there?

All in all, I m just trying to determine how most generators are connected, how to verify quickly ( I assume just resistance test on the leads, not running?), and how things should be connected.
that got my question answered! Sure looks like the way we are doing it is just fine. Probably not the perfectly right way, but still safe given this is a temporary deal.
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