I've done some reading through the search function of previous discussions about the use of NM in a commercial setting.
For me it's always been a grey area of having confidence in my understanding.
I am about to start a renovation of the lobby area of a small motel. It was probably built in the 70's. Typical "row" style mom and pop type motel. It's a single level, slab on grade with typical wood construction (wood trusses and 2x wood walls). It does have a sprinkler system throughout the motel that includes the lobby area and all the rooms. There's probably 20 guest rooms that extend in a row down from the lobby, all having exterior entry doors (no hallway). The whole complex shares the same roofline and I'm assuming has an open attic space that encompasses the whole complex (although I haven't yet confirmed that).
Currently it seems the original wiring is EMT. As we start demo I'll have a better look at things.
There currently isn't a drop ceiling. I understand NM isn't allowed in drop ceilings, and I will respect that requirement in areas that drop ceilings are added. Otherwise I'm not seeing anything that keeps me from using NM.
Based off my description can you give me input for things I should be aware of, or concerns I should look into further?
I'll be calling the AHJ for feedback before starting to run any new wire.
For me it's always been a grey area of having confidence in my understanding.
I am about to start a renovation of the lobby area of a small motel. It was probably built in the 70's. Typical "row" style mom and pop type motel. It's a single level, slab on grade with typical wood construction (wood trusses and 2x wood walls). It does have a sprinkler system throughout the motel that includes the lobby area and all the rooms. There's probably 20 guest rooms that extend in a row down from the lobby, all having exterior entry doors (no hallway). The whole complex shares the same roofline and I'm assuming has an open attic space that encompasses the whole complex (although I haven't yet confirmed that).
Currently it seems the original wiring is EMT. As we start demo I'll have a better look at things.
There currently isn't a drop ceiling. I understand NM isn't allowed in drop ceilings, and I will respect that requirement in areas that drop ceilings are added. Otherwise I'm not seeing anything that keeps me from using NM.
Based off my description can you give me input for things I should be aware of, or concerns I should look into further?
I'll be calling the AHJ for feedback before starting to run any new wire.