GFCI Breaker tripping coffee pot circuit

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I have designed a large restaurant with multiple commercial type coffee brewers on 20A GFCI breakers. Apparently the GFCI trips when the heating element kicks on. The contractor has stated that the problem is solved when using GFCI receptacles. I brought up the shared neutral issue only to be assured that there were no shared neutrals. Has anyone else ran into this issue? I contacted coffee brewer mfr. who stated they have never had an issue with any GFCI nuisance trps.
Move the coffee pot to different circuits. If it follows the pot it is the pot, or you may be right about the neutral problem. It may be that the neutral is landed on the wrong CB.

I prefer gfci devices vs a circuit breaker...cheaper and easier to isolate a problem appliance but unless you have a very looonng branch circuit, there should be little operational difference.
Try the coffe pot in another GFCI . If it trips then the coffee pot is jacked up!
The contractor has stated that the problem is solved when using GFCI receptacles. .
Based on this. I think the following is the problem, or some common variant.

It may be that the neutral is landed on the wrong CB..
I've done it; in a commercial kitchen coincidentally. Hey, it happens.

buccs407- If the contractor knows the problem only trips the GFCI breaker and not a GFCI recpt, what is his reason for not suspecting the circuit?
i just had that same thing happen with a 120V cooktop! got to be due to some kinda current lag is all i could think of. btw, i will save you from asking. i could not fix it. there was another non protected outlet nearby and i had her plug it into that. (actually is was initially protected by the first outlet, i just rewired it so it wasn't).
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