GFCI circuit breaker tripping

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Hi, I've been called to a restaurant because some GFCI circuit breakers are tripping. I was told another electrician had replaced the circuit breakers but they still trip. The interesting part is they are tripping at night when no one is there and nothing is plugged into them. All I can figure is that a staple(s) or clamp is too tight and causing an in balance. Each of the circuits that is having the problem has only one receptacle on it. Is there something else that could be causing this? Any ideas about problem solving? Thanks Jan
How are they cleaning at night?

If they are spraying water, could be the cause, look in the receptacle box's for signs of water.

vacuums can cause GFCi trips, are the cords their using bad?

is this something that just started or been doing it since it was installed? if the latter maybe wiring wrong.

simple check is to remove the hot and neutral to each GFCI breaker and check to ground for resistance from both, either will cause a trip.

if above passes then ask to see any of the equipment that might be using these receptacles at night and check the hot to ground and neutral to ground on the plug.
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