GFCI for hot tub disco

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Senior Member
Long Island, NY
Had to replace one today, I've installed my share of Hot Tub disconnects, but never gave them much thought. On a standard installation you run L1 L2 and N through the doughnut and the gfic controls power to hold the coil in. I'm assuming that when the gfci senses any current it trips. Normal operation L1 would cancel L2 and any unbalanced load on the neutral would be fine since its in with L1 and L2, Am I right?
Had to replace one today, I've installed my share of Hot Tub disconnects, but never gave them much thought. On a standard installation you run L1 L2 and N through the doughnut and the gfic controls power to hold the coil in. I'm assuming that when the gfci senses any current it trips. Normal operation L1 would cancel L2 and any unbalanced load on the neutral would be fine since its in with L1 and L2, Am I right?

I have never seen a switch like that. It looks like a dead front GFCI used for hydromassage tubs but they don't have that donut in the back.
I have one. Its pretty cool, there are a whole bunch of contactors listed for use with it. Conductors go through the CT on the back, the gfi gets 120vac to operate it, and the load side of it powers the coil on the contactor.

Leviton P/N 8895

I should add, that its listed as a recognized component, and listed with certain contactors. These need to go into a listed assembly, so call your favoite 508A panel shop if you want to use it I think.
I have a pdf of the instruction sheet but its too big to post here. If anyone needs it PM me and I can email it. The sheet also shows all the listed contactor combinations.
should also add, it (with contactor) can protect up to 80amps of 240v. Theyre not cheap though, and once the cost of the contactor is added, GFI breaker is cheaper. This is really the only solution though, where you need to GFI protect something 4 wire over 50amps where there arent any 60amp GFI breakers with a neutral. If someone's got 20k, ill make panels with these and contactor and get it listed :D
I think you are headed in the right direction.
May have to read the little manual first.
But, It should work like a regular GFCI,
sensing unbalanced currents in the group of conductors passed thru the CT.
It should work like a regular GFCI, sensing unbalanced currents in the group of conductors passed thru the CT. :smile:
Right, as long as the neutral, if used, is included.

Of course, the donut doesn't look particularly big.

This could make MWBC's easier to protect, maybe.
What would you say is a 4-wire system? A high-leg Delta could be called a 4-wire 120/240v system.

In the context of this device Leviton means either 240v, no neutral, and a ground (3 wire) -or 240v, neutral, and ground (4 wire) They also use the term '2 phase' :roll:

I can send you the PDF if you want, just PM me your email address.
I bet it would work fine for 3ph but I wouldnt dare deviate from the manufacturers instructions on something like a GFI.

Also, you cant even use the thing except as a component of a listed device as its not UL listed, just a recognized component.

I just wish the darn contactors for it werent so expensive. The list of contactors its tested and listed with isnt very long.
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