To get rid of a zip chord extension chord that the Verizon guy used to energize his box because there was no plug by the panel, the owner would like a receptacle by the panel. The utility closet where the panel is and Verizon box is is small The wall that the equipment is mounted on is a foundation wall with a piece of plywood on it. The entire basement is finished. A door opens to this closet.
The owner would like to plug the telephone and his sprinkler system box into this box.
Does that receptacle need GFCI protection or could it be considered part of his finished basement?
(Note the finished basement is in a house. The house is a realtors office. If all is right the GFCI shouldn't trip if one was installed but would hate for any power interruption if he was on important call or whatever)
Thank you
The owner would like to plug the telephone and his sprinkler system box into this box.
Does that receptacle need GFCI protection or could it be considered part of his finished basement?
(Note the finished basement is in a house. The house is a realtors office. If all is right the GFCI shouldn't trip if one was installed but would hate for any power interruption if he was on important call or whatever)
Thank you