GFCI recepts

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Why would you think it wouldn't be. It's a receptical exposed to water for some sort of device that will be attached to the pole at which a person at ground level could come in contact with the pole.
Yes. 210.8 New that code cycle.

Yes. The "accessibility" part is a blanket statement for all the installations of GFCIs in 210.8.

2011 NEC
210.8 Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupter Protection for Personnel.
Ground-fault circuit-interruption for personnel shall be provided as required in 210.8(A) through (C). The ground-fault circuit-interrupter shall be installed in a readily accessible location.
ground faults

ground faults

you can gfci anything ! why not ( with exclusion of some items of course that NEC says not to)
but outside luminaires with wetness and dampness? I dunno , could be a problem with life safety? and not wanting trips
Yes. The "accessibility" part is a blanket statement for all the installations of GFCIs in 210.8.
That is how I see it as well, if the GFCI protection is required by 210.8(A) thru (C) then the GFCI device must be readily accessible. If GFCI protection is not required by 210.8 (A) thru (C) the accessibility of the device doesn't matter. So question is does 210.8 (A) thru (C) apply to OP's GFCI?

I'd say if NEC applies then (B)(4) requires GFCI protection for this outlet.

If this pole is owned/maintained by a POCO NEC may not apply, GFCI could still be installed, and maybe is a good design idea.
What about the exception for GFCI receptacles on rooftops that don't meet the definition of readily accessible?
if 12 ft AGL, who ever is plugging into would be in a bucket truck. Sounds like a proposal for the 2020 NEC
What about the exception for GFCI receptacles on rooftops that don't meet the definition of readily accessible?
if 12 ft AGL, who ever is plugging into would be in a bucket truck. Sounds like a proposal for the 2020 NEC

Even before the GFCI requirement came about- there have been items on rooftops at times that needed ready accessibility. If you have several AC units or even condensing units for other refrigeration units all on roof it is sometimes common to see a panelboard on the rooftop with branch circuits for the roof top units originating there. Isn't that panelboard required to be readily acessible? AFAIC , it is readily accessible from the area it is going to be accessed from. Maybe the need to access the roof from a portable ladder is a problem - so install a permanent ladder and problem solved. Now you have a problem with ready access to unauthorized people to get on your roof so you install some lockable barrier to restrict access - two steps forward one back from an accessibility perspective.
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