
Electrical Designer
We utilize 440/120V, 3PH, 3W ungrounded systems on board the vessels, will a GFCI receptacle or circuit breaker function properly with (2) 60V conductors?
will a GFCI receptacle or circuit breaker function properly with (2) 60V conductors?
If compatible GFCI devices exist for 120D/60V systems, requirements are usually adopted from ABYC regulations.

If installed in a head, galley, machinery space, or on a weather deck, the receptacle shall be protected by a Type A (nominal 5 milliamperes) Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI).
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We utilize 440/120V, 3PH, 3W ungrounded systems on board the vessels, will a GFCI receptacle or circuit breaker function properly with (2) 60V conductors?
Yes. It won't care what or if there is a ground reference, all it will care about is having sufficient supply voltage for the electronics and then whether the current going out on one conductor is equal to the current coming in on the other.

I've seen typical GFCI receptacles applied (by someone that didn't know what they were doing) with 240 volts (they did know they were using 240 volts and were using it for a 240 volt power tool) and it still functioned, so apparently applied voltage isn't a big thing, though I'm sure there is going to be some insulation breakdown limit eventually. Not sure what say 400 Hz may do though.