GFEP Benefit

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New User
Smithsburg MD
Code compliance aside, what practical benefit is gained by protecting a snow melt cable encased in concrete? If GFEPs protect "equipment" not "people" I don't see what protection is provided to a resistive cable. If the concrete imbedded cable somehow breaks down and leaks - isn't the cable toast? Thanks
Code compliance aside, what practical benefit is gained by protecting a snow melt cable encased in concrete? If GFEPs protect "equipment" not "people" I don't see what protection is provided to a resistive cable. If the concrete imbedded cable somehow breaks down and leaks - isn't the cable toast? Thanks
Not necessarily. Depends on the resistance of the concrete. And if the OCPD did not trip you might have hazardous voltage gradients in the concrete with touch or step potential.

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