GFEP for Research Equipment

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Golden, CO, USA
Where I work we have several research experiments that utilize high temperature (>400oC) heat tape for the piping. The insulation covering the heat tape and the materials the het tape are made from are non-flammable. Additionally the piping is stainless steal and could not be damaged from low current arcing if the heat tape failed. With there being no potential for damage and no exposure to personnel, would the requirements from article 427 about GFEP still need to apply these applications?
From a strict code perspective yes, unless you can convince the AHJ to waive the GFPE requirements of 427.22 using 90.4.

Well I'm the AHJ here and have been enforcing the code article you stated. The researchers are not happy and are trying to justify why this code reference does not make since to them. They want to why do they need to apply an article that is about equipment protection, when they do not have any equipment that can be damaged. I'm just looking for comments to help be jsutify why I am enforcing it.
Well I'm the AHJ here and have been enforcing the code article you stated. The researchers are not happy and are trying to justify why this code reference does not make since to them. They want to why do they need to apply an article that is about equipment protection, when they do not have any equipment that can be damaged. I'm just looking for comments to help be jsutify why I am enforcing it.

I do not believe you are actually the AHJ. You may well serve as the inspector but it is very doubtful that you have any authority to make up rules on your own. No doubt there is some government body that is the AHJ that decided the NEC had to be observed. they would be the AHJ.

As a practical matter, there is no doubt some kind of process where the researchers could apply to the AHJ for some kind of special permission.
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